3 Reasons Your Retail Store Must Have Custom Feather Flags

Tall and upright with a telltale curved shape, custom feather flags are a simplistic marketing tool that are easy to erect, store, and use in a retail setting. Even still, a lot of retail store owners skip over feather flags and go for other types of signage. If you are a retail store owner, you should know that feather flags can be incredibly useful for several reasons across your store, and they are highly affordable. Therefore, investing in a few custom-designed feather flags is a good idea. Take a look at three reasons why you need custom feather flags for your retail store as part of your marketing plan. 

Draw attention to special deals inside the store. 

Whether you are having a seasonal sale, clearance event, or holiday promotion, making sure customers know where the special merchandise and pricing is located is an important part of the process. With feather flags, you can stand up a sign to draw attention to the area. These flags are on stands that have a conservatively sized base but can be pretty tall depending on which style you order. So you can attract attention without taking up a lot of room around the specific area that you need to highlight in the store. 

Attract visitors during sidewalk sales outside. 

Customers just love sidewalk sales where they can browse merchandise outside that happens to be on sale during the warmer months of the year. The only problem is many times people will drive right by your store without realizing there is a good sale taking place. This can especially be a problem if your store is positioned away from the road or if you have a large parking area. You can situate feather flags at the entrance to the parking lot or closer to the roadway near your store to get the attention of those passing by so they do not miss out. 

Spread important information about upcoming products. 

Do you have a new product line that will soon be added to your store inventory? Is there a special movie/game/book release that everyone is interested in? Whatever the upcoming news may be that you know your customers will be interested in knowing, feather flags are an ideal way to get the word out. These flags don't take up a lot of floor space but they are tall enough to hold ample space for words and information. 

For more tips on creating custom flags for your business, work with companies like Bob's Flags.

About Me

Creating A More Successful Business

Although I have never been a business owner, I have always been interested in what makes the world tick that way. I started thinking about learning more and more about business, and before I knew it, I was involved with a few different community outreach programs that worked with local businesses. I wanted to do what I could to make things right in the world around me, so I started focusing on helping businesses to improve their safety standards. This blog is all about creating a more successful business one day at a time. Check it out and make your world a better place.


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