Attracting Young People To Your Country Club

Even though your country club has existed for decades, you may see membership numbers dipping. You might investigate and discover that your club simply doesn't have enough millennials and young families on its membership roster. This can be troublesome; without young people coming in, the country club can't last. How can you get young people to start becoming engaged in your country club?

Assess Activities

First, you need to be honest about what your club can offer millennials and other young people. Golf may be popular among the older set, for instance, but many young people don't play the sport and have no interest in it. Card games and bingo may be fun for older people, but young people sometimes prefer other activities. While you don't want to get rid of programs that have proven popular for your members, you need to start thinking about what activities would engage youthful members. 

Be Smart on Social Media

If your social media profiles only have posts about dinner specials and random golf course pictures, that's not going to attract young people. Remember, millennials use the internet and social media every day. They are bombarded with all kinds of media and your country club must be able to present itself as cool, internet savvy, and interesting. Instead of posting the same tired photos, start looking for ways to reach out to young people. For instance, you might post a poll about which new activities should be brought to the country club. You might post videos with members using the amenities. You can use testimonials from members. The more you're able to present a fascinating picture of your club, the more you'll intrigue young people to stop by and possibly join.

Explain What Membership Includes

Many young people who may have the means and interest to join a country club don't know what the process is like. Many of their parents weren't members themselves, so you need to be sure that they understand how to apply and what membership is all about. They may have erroneous ideas about what it takes to be a member or what they have to do as a member. Post requirements and benefits online so young people clearly understand what your club is like.

Your country club might offer a wonderful respite from a busy world. You must use these recommendations for attracting young people to your club so that they can enjoy a break from the outside and interact with your existing members.

If you need additional help, you may want to consider reaching out for private club consulting.

About Me

Creating A More Successful Business

Although I have never been a business owner, I have always been interested in what makes the world tick that way. I started thinking about learning more and more about business, and before I knew it, I was involved with a few different community outreach programs that worked with local businesses. I wanted to do what I could to make things right in the world around me, so I started focusing on helping businesses to improve their safety standards. This blog is all about creating a more successful business one day at a time. Check it out and make your world a better place.


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