Dumpster Rental Strategies To Prevent Frustrating Your Neighbors

A dumpster is required for almost any type of extensive home renovation project, whether it involves putting on a new roof or completely redoing the kitchen. The issue isn't renting the dumpster, but managing it in a way so that it isn't a nuisance to your neighbors. The following tips can help you with that.


The proper placement is key to making sure your dumpster rental isn't a nuisance. The best-case scenario is if you have off-street room on your property for the dumpster. This can be in your driveway, on a patio, or even on a lawn area. Just keep in mind, the grass beneath a dumpster can suffer damage or die if you go with this option. If off-street placement isn't possible, Then have it placed well away from any intersections and as close to the curb as possible. Ensure that it is only on the area of the street that is in front of your home, and not in front of a neighbor's home.

Pest Prevention

One way to upset the neighbors is to attract mice, rats, and other pests to the neighborhood because of the dumpster. Avoiding this is relatively simple. First, do not dispose of your everyday household trash that contains food or food wrappers in a renovation dumpster. Use your normal weekly trash service for these items. This is especially important if your dumpster won't be picked up until the end of your project. Second, make sure the dumpster you rent has a lid. A locking lid is best. Not only will it keep pests out, but it will also prevent anyone else from illegally dumping things in your rental.


Finally, focus on accuracy. You are sure to have angry neighbors if flat tires occur because not every single roofing nail made it into the dumpster. Make sure small items are contained before bringing out a load so that you can ensure it all actually makes it into the dumpster. If you will be doing something that requires you to be on the roof, such as tearing down old shingles or gutters, then consider renting a trash tube from the dumpster company, These stretch from the dumpster to the roof. You can then dump the teardown materials down the tube, decreasing the chances of a wayward nail or screw. Finally, use a magnet on a stick to sweep the area at the end of the workday so that you can find any nails or other hardware that didn't quite make it to the dumpster.

As you can see, it will take some planning to make sure your dumpster doesn't bother anyone in your neighborhood. Reach out to a dumpster rental service to learn more.

About Me

Creating A More Successful Business

Although I have never been a business owner, I have always been interested in what makes the world tick that way. I started thinking about learning more and more about business, and before I knew it, I was involved with a few different community outreach programs that worked with local businesses. I wanted to do what I could to make things right in the world around me, so I started focusing on helping businesses to improve their safety standards. This blog is all about creating a more successful business one day at a time. Check it out and make your world a better place.


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